Caldwell County School Board Focuses On HVAC, ATC, Tech Fees

Caldwell County’s Board of Education Monday night unanimously approved a low bid of $3.895 million in work and associated detail for the primary school’s HVAC systems — most of which is 30-plus years old.

Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Roach noted most of the cost for this BG-1 project will come from ESSER funds, with around $400,000 coming from other unused building and/or contingency line items.
Through the combined efforts of Mechanical Consultants, BFW Engineering, Synergy and Performance Commission Group, Roach said the project is expected to be complete by the end of Summer 2024.

Roach said the most pleasing element of this project is that the best bid returned was only $10,000 over-budget, while the highest bidder set the job at $4.7 million.
In other school board news:
— Roach also confirmed Monday night that Lyon County’s Zach Thomas has been hired as the fiscal year 2023-24 principal for the Caldwell County Area Technology Center.

Currently the athletic director for the Lyons, he will begin his principal’s report in July, with more than $75,000 of his salary coming from state funding.
Roach said that typically there’s around 400-plus students at the ATC annually, with more than 250 coming from Caldwell County and Princeton alone. Programs offered include technology, automotive, health science, welding, carpentry, electric, plumbing, and other nuanced subjects.
— Much discussion was had before board members unanimously approved the annual student technology fee be $35, an increase from $30.
Roach said the increase would help allow all students to take their Chromebooks home with them for educational use, a resource that had yet to be really reinforced and available until now.

Newly-elected and sworn-in student board representative Corbin Nichols said he and his family had already taken measures to bring his tech home.

They were also on board with in-place take-home measures prior to Monday night.

The concern from some board members is the increasing number of fees within CCMS and CCHS.

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