Northside Baptist VBS Begins Monday

Vacation Bible School begins next week at Northside Baptist Church in Princeton.
Children’s Director Cindy Long says this year’s theme is “Pets Unleashed”.

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Long adds Northside’s VBS will combine the theme with their mission emphasis: the Caldwell County Animal Shelter.

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VBS begins Monday, July 17 and will run through that Wednesday, starting with a meal at 5:30 p.m. each night and ending at 8:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday night will be held at the church and Wednesday will be at the City County Park and Pool to close out VBS with a family celebration.
Long adds there is a church bus available for children who need a ride to and from VBS.
Children aged 4 through 5th grade are welcome to participate. Register online or call Northside Baptist at (270) 365-6062.

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