A contractor for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet plans to begin striping work in Caldwell County on Monday.
District 1 spokeswoman Keirsten Jaggers says the crew will be applying yellow center-line paint during daylight hours when the weather allows on KY 70 after Flatlock Bluff Road to just past KY 293; KY 293 from KY 70 to the Caldwell/Hopkins County Line; KY 506 from KY 902 to the Caldwell/Crittenden County Line; KY 627 from KY 91 to U.S. 62; KY 902 from the Caldwell/Crittenden County Line to KY 139; KY 903 from the Caldwell/Lyon County Line to KY 293; and, KY 1119 from KY 293 to KY 139.
While the crews use a special paint that dries in about 5 minutes, Jaggers reminds motorists to avoid driving through wet paint after the first few minutes it has been applied.
Motorists also need to be alert for the traffic paint caravan that will generally consist of a paint truck and two or three escort vehicles moving at about 45 miles per hour on 2-lane highways. Jaggers indicates that paint crews will attempt to pull off to allow traffic to pass when practical.