Caldwell County School board members approved the tax rates for 2023-24 and bids for improvements to the greenhouse.
The board unanimously set the tax rates upon a recommendation from Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Roach to leave the rates the same as last year at 44.6 cents per $100 assessed value for real estate and personal property and the motor vehicle tax rate at 53.8 cents with the utility tax remaining 3%.
click to download audioIn other new business, the board unanimously approved a bid from Stuckey Construction Company for improvements to the greenhouse with a match from the school district.
click to download audio

Roach says he is excited about this project that will start immediately.
click to download audioIn other action, Roach said they received two bids for baseball and softball equipment and supplies for teams to use in the new athletic facility. He recommended taking the lowest bid received from BSN in the amount of $26,854.
click to download audioThe board unanimously approved the bid from BSN.

And the board approved the contract for two school resource officers from the Princeton Police Department.
click to download audioThe board also granted permission to the Princeton Optimist Club to use the Butler lawn and parking lot for the set up of the Black Patch Parade from 2 p.m. until 7 p.m. on Friday, September 8th. Additionally, the CCHS Fine Arts Auditorium was approved for the Black Patch Pageant on Friday, September 2.