You don’t have to fight the wicked witch or fend off flying monkeys to help improve the lives of area residents. Jennie Stuart Health and the JSH Foundation kicked off the E.C. Green Cancer Center expansion capital campaign saying “There is no place like home – for exceptional cancer care.”
Campaign Co-Chair and Planters Bank President, Kelly Workman says the $16.8 million expansion will build on the legacy of the Cancer Center.
click to download audioFoundation Executive Director, Tracey Clark says they are asking for help bringing the comforts of home.
click to download audioShe adds no one will need a hot air balloon, a bubble, or to park themselves if all goes as planned.
click to download audioWorkman says they started fundraising with the JSH Board and Foundation Board.
click to download audioBut it was her Co-Campaign Chair’s courage, brain, and heart that are the real inspiration.
click to download audioDr. Ratilal Gajera adds he is proud of his 30 years at the hospital and the work his colleagues do.
click to download audioWorkman and Gajera say the campaign has raised 2/3 of its goal.
click to download audioDonations can be made to the foundation online or by contacting the office at 270-887-0181. The nod to the Wizard of Oz was complete with an emerald city atmosphere and speakers who appeared from behind the curtain. The kickoff event was sponsored by Planters Bank.