Fiscal Court Approves Dead Animal Environmental Fund Resolution

Magistrates approved a resolution pertaining to the Dead Animal Environmental Fund at the Caldwell County Fiscal Court meeting Tuesday morning.
District 2 Magistrate Jeff Boone explained that the Conservation District was able to obtain a grant a few years ago to assist in burying livestock and large animals. He said the Conservation District is the applicant for the grant, in partnership with the Farm Bureau and the Caldwell County Road Department that buries the animals.

click to download audioHe also explained the way this application will work is that the Conservation District and Farm Bureau will each provide funding, and the county will provide an in-kind contribution.

click to download audioJudge-Executive Kota Young noted that this is a good housekeeping resolution, with District 4 Jeff Simms pointing out that this Dead Animal Environmental Fund is only for livestock and large animals.

click to download audioDistrict 3 Magistrate Brent Stallins made a motion to approve the resolution with a second from Boone. The Resolution for the Dead Animal Environmental Fund was unanimously approved.

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