A farmer, whose heritage dates back to his grandfather’s farm on the Cumberland River banks, was honored as the 2023 Trigg County Farmer of the Year.
WKDZ-WHVO News and Farm Director Alan Watts presented the 2023 Farmer of the Year award to David Cunningham. Watts said Cunningham heritage dates back to his grandfather Waymon Cunningham, who farmed along the banks of the Cumberland River.
WKDZ-WHVO News and Farm Director Alan Watts presented the 2023 Farmer of the Year award to David Cunningham. Watts said Cunningham heritage dates back to his grandfather Waymon Cunningham, who farmed along the banks of the Cumberland River.
click to download audioWatts says Cunnigham continues to give back today to his friends, family, and neighbors.
click to download audioCunningham was joined by his wife Jill, sisters, friends, and family at the Trigg County Chamber of Commerce kickoff breakfast Thursday morning at the Trigg County Recreation Complex.