Princeton City Council approved a resolution at Monday night’s meeting to support the Caldwell-Lyon water interconnection project.
The same resolution was approved by Caldwell County Fiscal Court at last week’s meeting. Judge-Executive Kota Young was on hand at the city council meeting and explained that this resolution includes a basket of projects, but specifically for the city it would resurrect booster pump stations reconnecting the Princeton water and Eddyville water systems that were abandoned many years ago. The primary goal is to secure and provide reliable water in the future. Furthermore, he explained that this project and resolution would support Lyon County’s application for an EDA grant for this project.
In unfinished business, Mayor Brock Thomas provided an update on the City-County pool’s final payment to Aquatic Designs of Paducah in the amount of $31,500.
click to download audioHe says that includes closing the swimming pool, maintenance work on the splash pad, and getting it ready for next season.
click to download audioCouncil unanimously approved the final payment by a 5-0 vote, with Councilman Carl Copeland absent from the meeting.
During the mayor’s report, Mayor Thomas said they had applied for some grants to make improvements at E-911 Dispatch, which were unsuccessful. Judge Young then explained that one of the two consoles at Dispatch is not working and the city and county governments will be looking for unallocated funds to make the improvements.
click to download audio
And Isabella Burton, a homeschooled student who hopes to serve in a government role in the future, addressed the council about a project she has been working on to get missing signs replaced.
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The spreadsheet Burton handed out to council members and media shows 27 missing street signs that have been or will be replaced at a cost of $50 per sign for a total estimated cost of $1,350. Mayor Thomas expressed his appreciation for Burton’s idea and said the work is underway to get the street signs in place.
click to download audioThe next regularly scheduled Princeton City Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 6, at 5:00.