Dawson Springs High School has something to celebrate this week after receiving the results of the Kentucky Summative Assessment conducted in the spring of 2023.
According to Superintendent Leonard Whalen, the high school students made an exceptional showing with a school index of 98.3, which gives them the highest reported index in the state. He said the district’s administration is pleased with the results of the spring 2023 testing at all levels.
Additionally, he pointed out that the junior high school had a score of 63.3, which classified them in the yellow category, just 7-tenths of a point away from being classified in the green category. The elementary school, on the other hand, had a score of 49.3 and performed well in science and math, placing them in the orange category. While Whalen acknowledged that the Dawson Springs School District had many reasons to celebrate, he also emphasized the challenge of maintaining success once it is achieved.
Whalen said that the KSA performance levels are categorized by colors, with five levels ranging from highest to lowest: Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red. He mentioned that based on the index scores, the local high school is classified as blue, the middle school as yellow, and the elementary school as orange.
He expressed his gratitude for the ongoing support of the parents and community of the school district as they work towards the goal of educating, equipping, and empowering every student to thrive in a positive and productive manner.