New Connections At National Convention For Caldwell County FFA

The Caldwell County FFA Chapter attended the 96th annual National FFA Convention held last week in Indianapolis Indiana. The National FFA Convention is the largest annual gathering of students in the nation with an attendance of over 69,000.

Students attending have the opportunity to attend sessions, workshops, and concerts, see exhibits, and communicate with others from across the Nation. This was the second year for Senior Corbin Nichols to attend the convention and one thing he enjoyed was seeing the college displays.

click to download audioNichols also enjoyed hearing from the National FFA Officers.

click to download audioCalleigh Guill made new friends from South Dakota and learned about agriculture in that State.

click to download audioAbbey Gill met students from many of the 50 States and also became closer to fellow members from the local chapter.

click to download audioThis was the first time for Abbi Drennan to attend and she enjoyed learning the opportunities available through agriculture that were shared in the workshops.

click to download audioCaldwell FFA Advisor Magen Woods also taught four workshops for fellow agriculture teachers and FFA Advisors from across the Nation during the Convention. Next up for the local chapter is State Horse Judging and the Big Buck Contest.

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