During Tuesday morning’s meeting, the Caldwell County Fiscal Court welcomed the newly appointed deputy treasurer and passed a resolution to accept a grant for jail video arraignment equipment.
During the judge’s comments, Judge-Executive Kota Young welcomed Kasey Oliver who was recently appointed by the fiscal court to replace Deputy Treasurer Glenda Harper.
click to download audio
In new business, magistrates approved a resolution pertaining to the House Bill 1 jail video arraignment equipment grant for approximately $30,000.
click to download audioAt the October 24 fiscal court meeting, Caldwell County Jailer Willie Harper explained to magistrates that the grant would be used to acquire four units of video equipment, which would help reduce costs at the jail in the future.
click to download audioIn other action, magistrates approved a resolution to submit an application to apply for a Law Enforcement Protection Program Grant for body armor for the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Department.
Magistrates voted to postpone taking any action on the Tremcare Maintenance Agreement for the ambulance, courthouse and jail facilities after District 2 Magistrate Jeff Boone and District 3 Magistrate Brent Stallins brought up some issues that need to be addressed.
click to download audioStallins stated he has a few issues with Tremcare not showing up when they are called to provide maintenance services.
click to download audioDistrict 4 Magistrate Jeff Simms suggested they schedule a meeting with Tremcare before moving forward with the agreement.
The next regularly scheduled fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday morning, November 28, at 9:00.