Caldwell County Public Schools’ Laura Lee White Selected For 2024 KY Women In Education Leadership Cohort

Laura Lee White, the Director of Pupil Personnel at Caldwell County Public Schools, has been chosen as one of the distinguished leaders to be inducted into the 2024 cohort of the Kentucky Women in Education Leadership.
KASA, The School Leaders Association, announced this week this distinguished group comprised of 27 accomplished school leaders was carefully selected through a rigorous application process that evaluated them against specific leadership criteria. KASA officials emphasize that each member possesses a wealth of educational experience, unique talents, and a strong dedication to providing a world-class education for the children of Kentucky.
KASA Executive Director Dr. Rhonda Caldwell says the Kentucky Women in Education Leadership program offers a structured framework to support and guide cohort members in charting their path to high-level executive positions within Kentucky’s public schools. She added that these new cohort members join more than 200 female colleagues who are reshaping education today, acting as trailblazers in identifying and overcoming barriers to equity and excellence for every student, contributing to a stronger and healthier Kentucky.
According to KASA, his program offers continuous networking opportunities, essential professional development learning events, and the guidance of a mentor who currently holds an executive leadership position in public education.
The new cohort members will be inducted into the program at the annual Kentucky Women of Education forum on January 24-25, 2024, at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville.
Established in 1969, KASA, the School Leaders Association, stands as the largest group of school administrators in Kentucky, representing over 3,300 education leaders throughout the state. The organization connects education leaders with policymakers, legislators, and various interest groups. Additionally, KASA offers a wide range of benefits and services to support and assist school administrators in Kentucky.

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