Joseph’s Storage Bin Open House Next Weekend

Joseph’s Storage Bin is hosting an open house next weekend featuring a wide array of new items, collectibles, and much more.
Kevin Alexander, the store’s director, announced that they will be hosting the open house on the morning of the Princeton Christmas Parade.

click to download audioDuring the open house, he mentioned that there would be a selection of brand-new items and collectibles available for purchase.

click to download audioAccording to Alexander, the store has a variety of “ugly” Christmas sweaters, clothing items, and a limited selection of coats as well.

click to download audioIn addition to the open house, Joseph’s Storage Bin will be taking part in the Downtown Moonlight Madness event, sponsored by the Caldwell County Chamber of Commerce, on December 14th. On that night, the store will remain open until 8 p.m., in order for the community to enjoy an extended shopping experience.
Joseph’s Storage Bin is located at 126 West Main Street in downtown Princeton.

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