Man Injured In Princeton Road Rollover Crash

A single-vehicle wreck on Princeton Road in Christian County sent a man to a Clarksville hospital Friday night.
Caldwell County Farm Bureau Recognized For Outstanding Membership and Program Achievement

Caldwell County Farm Bureau was recognized during the 104th Kentucky Farm Bureau annual meeting in Louisville for its outstanding membership and program achievement in 2023.
Fredonia Riding Club Celebrates Successful Year

The Fredonia Valley Riding Club completed their year Thursday night with a meal in Coleman Hall inside of Fredonia First Baptist Church. The meal served as a thank you to members and sponsors for their support over
Enter the Community Holiday Decorating Contest and Light Up Caldwell County

The founder of Operation Giving Trees, a non-profit organization, is coordinating a Community Holiday Decorating Contest for both residential and business establishments to show their holiday spirit and light up Caldwell County.
Main Street In Marion To Be Blocked For Saturday Christmas Parade

Local residents need to be aware that the City of Marion plans to close U.S. 60/Main Street through the downtown area for the annual Christmas Parade on Saturday evening.
Lyon County 7th Grader Takes Second Place in 2023 KACo Art Contest

A 7th-grade homeschooled student, 12-year old Ashlynn Ramey of Lyon County, recently won second place in the 2023 I Love my KY County KACo Art Contest.
Dawson Springs Christmas Parade Sunday

The Dawson Springs Christmas Parade, sponsored by the Dawson Springs Chamber of Commerce Main Street Program, is scheduled to take place at 5:30 p.m. Sunday.