Club President Michael Wood shared some of the shows they had this year. He added you didn’t have to own a horse to be a part of the Club.
click to download audioWood feels the membership dues are reasonable considering the benefits of being a member.
click to download audioWood appreciates the sponsors and members who helped the Club this year.
They also had some items donated that were sold in a silent auction during the meeting to assist with the club activities.
click to download audioThey are always looking for new members and Wood noted they have monthly meetings and every member has a vote in club decisions.
click to download audioNicky Baker is a charter member of the club and is still involved in the operation.
click to download audioBeth Drennan became involved in the club when her granddaughters starting participating in the shows.
click to download audioWood said they gave away over $30,000.00 in prizes during the saddle series this year and plan to do at least that much in the upcoming year.
The Fredonia Riding Club is located at 201 Dalton Road in Fredonia. For more information you can check out their Facebook page or contact Wood at 270-519-6329 or Jackie Wood at 270-556-2095.