A 7th-grade homeschooled student, 12-year old Ashlynn Ramey of Lyon County, recently won second place in the 2023 I Love my KY County KACo Art Contest.
Officials of the Kentucky Association of Counties shared that Ramey’s statement submitted with her artwork said it was a scene of her grandparents’ barn on their farm in Lyon County. Ramey stated she loved living in Lyon County because she enjoys the small, friendly town and the beautiful fields, trees, and lakes.
Judge-Executive Jaime Green shared in a social media post that Lyon County sponsored the contest and partnered with Lyon County Schools to have students participate in the KACo Art Contest through art class. She also mentioned that Ramey’s artwork has been forwarded to the national level as well.
According to KACo, students in kindergarten through 8th grade were invited to share their artwork, expressing why they love their Kentucky county. The winners were recognized at the 49th KACo Annual Conference & Exposition held in Louisville earlier this month. All of the winners of the art contest will be featured in the 2024 KACo Calendar.