Caldwell Band Boosters Ready For Annual Carnival December 9th


The Caldwell County Band Boosters are planning a community wide Christmas activity that will provide a fun experience as well as raise funds for the various programs for band students.

Band Booster member Jessy Lowery shared this is the second year for their Christmas Carnival.

click to download audioBand Booster President Rachel Cummins explained what is going to be available at the Carnival.

click to download audioCummins also gave details about the day.

click to download audioLowery shared the admission cost to the Carnival and what it includes.

click to download audioCummins added if any business or group wants to help sponsor the Carnival they can have their name attached to an individual game.

click to download audioThe Band Boosters encourage everyone to come by the Butler Gym on Saturday, December 9th, for a family friendly Carnival. They noted there will be lots of prizes given away at the games throughout the day.

click to download audioThere will be a cakewalk during the carnival and if anyone would like to donate a cake or cookies, or for more information they can contact Cummins at 270-601-0784 or Lowery at 270-601-1049.


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