McClung Updates Caldwell School Board On Grants And Food Pantry


At Monday night’s Caldwell County school board meeting, Food Service Director Aaron McClung provided an update on submitted grants and data regarding the district’s Food Pantry.

McClung announced that the district had received an increase in the annual entitlement money from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture.

Additionally, he mentioned that the district has provided breakfast to more than 50,000 children and served over 100,000 lunches so far this year.

According to McClung, he and Tammy Sanders, the school district’s grant writer, recently applied for four grants worth $25,000 each to seek equipment assistance.

McClung also shared an update on information received from Stephanie Randall regarding the Family Resource and Youth Services Center (FRYSC), which included the opening of the school district’s Feeding America Food Pantry a few months ago.

Furthermore, he mentioned that the district’s Christmas Assistance Program provided Christmas gifts to 118 students.

Regarding school safety, McClung explained that they are actively addressing mental health concerns and risky behaviors that students may exhibit or be unaware of.

McClung also provided board members with the Wellness Plan. He noted the Wellness Committee has discussed with officials at the local health department ways they can become more involved with the school district.

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