Caldwell Officials Preparing for Winter Storm and Freezing Temperatures

Caldwell County officials are in the process of making plans for the incoming winter storm and frigid temperatures over the weekend.

According to Emergency Management Director Joey McCaslin, emergency management agencies across the state receive a weather update daily between 3 am to 4 am. He says Friday morning’s update included the wind and rain but there was no mention of any snow for our area overnight. However, he adds there is a chance of accumulating snow overnight Sunday.

click to download audioAs we approach next week, he stresses that the temperature coupled with the wind chill will be dangerous conditions.

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Part of the plan for the incoming arctic air is warming shelters. McCaslin said the Caldwell County Courthouse will be open in the basement during normal business hours 8 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday, if needed. With the courthouse closed on Monday for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, McCaslin says emergency management and Judge-Executive Kota Young will work all of that out.

As they continue to plan, he says they are looking at places they have relied on in the past to serve as warming shelters.

click to download audioIn addition, they are looking at other places in Fredonia and Princeton they have normally relied on as warming shelters.

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If you need a warming center due to a power outage on Sunday or Monday, please call Central Dispatch at (270) 365-7860 and give them your name and contact number. Dispatchers will contact Caldwell County Emergency Management and someone will work with you to find a warming center. Again, McCaslin says the warming center will be on an “as needed” basis on Sunday and Monday.

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