CRCC Principal Takes Pie To The Face For Fundraiser

The Caldwell Regional Career Center was the site for the second week for a pie being smashed into the face of the staff.

This was a follow-up from when students donated money to have pies thrown in the faces of teachers Seath Butts and Alan Shaffer. Principal Zach Thomas challenged the students that if more money was raised this week than last week he would submit to having a pie in his own face. When the money was totaled Thomas entered the conference room to accept his fate. Waiting for him was Freya Bruce with pie in hand who came from the Primary School. She is the daughter of the Career Center Secretary Heather Bruce and was glad to help.

click to download audioPrincipal Thomas noted the students stepped up and were successful in their fundraising.

click to download audio

He shared how much was raised over the two week period.

click to download audioThomas said he was pleased with the results and in addition to the funds being raised, it was good for the school to have the students and teachers work together.

click to download audioThomas is in his first year as Principal of the Caldwell Regional Career Center. There is a video of the Pie The Principal posted on the Career Center Facebook page.

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