Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell is urging residents to consider making a lasting impact in the lives of the youth in the state by donating to the Kentucky 4-H and Kentucky FFA when purchasing or renewing their farm license plate or “Ag Tag” this year.
During the license plate renewal process, he says you have the opportunity to contribute a $10 donation, which he believes can have a significant impact. He describes it as one of the simplest ways to give back to the community and the future of agriculture.
The funds generated from Ag Tag donations are divided equally among Kentucky 4-H, Kentucky FFA, and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) to support Kentucky’s agriculture youth and as well as other organizations and programs that benefit our farm families.
Last year, according to Shell, Kentucky farmers donated around $735,815, the largest amount ever in a single year. From that total, each group received approximately $245,271 to invest back into our communities for youth development and promotional programs.
Shell says the KDA uses its share of the Ag Tag funds for various programs such as the Ag Athlete of the Year awards, the Kentucky Leopold Conservation Award, Kentucky Women in Agriculture, and the University of Kentucky Grain and Forage Center of Excellence.
Half of the 4-H and FFA donations are returned to local councils and chapters, meaning leaders in your community can use those funds to cover the cost of 4-H and FFA camp and other leadership programs for our youth. County 4-H councils use Ag Tag dollars to provide 4-H camp scholarships and travel for life-changing, educational experiences to enable local 4-H youth to grow as leaders and engaged citizens.
As you visit your county clerk’s office in the upcoming weeks to renew your Ag Tags, Snell encourages you to consider making the $10 donation. Last year, Kentucky set a record with Ag Tag collections. Shell says let’s strive to surpass that record this year, while at the same time helping to ensure the bright future for Kentucky agriculture.