Third District State Senator Whitney Westerfield, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, is sponsoring legislation that would provide protection for in vitro fertilization.
Senate Bill 373 creates a new chapter of KRS Chapter 216 to limit the liability of facilities that provide procedures related to in vitro fertilization; create a new section of KRS Chapter 311 to limit the liability of health care providers that perform procedures related to in vitro fertilization.
During the recent Your News Edge’s Legislative Update Senator Westerfield said the legislation was filed after the Alabama Supreme Court decision concerning IVF and his family’s experience with the procedure.
click to download audioSenator Westerfield says he thinks it is important to make sure the process is protected.
click to download audioHe adds without IVF many families would not be able to have children.
click to download audioSenate Bill 373 was introduced on Wednesday, February 28, and was referred to the Kentucky Senate Committee on Committees.
Westerfield represents Christian, Caldwell, and Muhlenburg Counties in the Kentucky Senate.