United Way of the Pennyrile Honors Princeton Planters Bank Branch

The United Way of the Pennyrile recently recognized the Princeton Branch of Planters Bank with the Caldwell County Regional Impact Award.

CEO Elizabeth McCoy and Planters Bank President Kelley Workman accepted the Top 10 Giver award from Betsy Bond, Executive Director of the United Way of the Pennyrile.

In addition to the $29,451 in employee contributions, United Way officials say Planters Bank donated an additional $7,500 for a total of $36,951. The Princeton Branch of Planters Bank received the award for the largest contribution in Caldwell County.

According to United Way officials, Board members, Nicole Cravens, as well as, Josh Ryan and Katey Barnett served on the goal-breaking Campaign Cabinet.

The 2023-24 United Way of the Pennyrile Campaign raised a total of $735,000, surpassing its goal of $700,000. It’s just the eighth time since 2002 that the pacesetter was met, and it’s the largest given by public and private donors since 2018.

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