Caldwell County High School Presents ‘Annie Jr.’ Musical

The theater and choir program at Caldwell County High School is preparing to present the musical Annie Jr.

This presentation will be the largest production the program has presented to the community since the department was brought back into the school system. Director Rebecca Robards said they have been working on the musical since January.

click to download audioRobards explains the setting of the show.

click to download audioThe students involved are mostly from the high school with a few from the middle school.

click to download audio

The musical will involve students from several different departments in the high school.

click to download audioRobards shared the performance schedule and ticket information for the musical.

click to download audioRobards added there are 50-60 students involved in presenting the production. The show should last around an hour and she plans to use this year as a step in preparing for a full 2-hour production next year. Tickets are scheduled to go on sale Wednesday, March 13th at the high school.

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