As the Hopkinsville Salvation Army says goodbye to the Galabeas family, they welcome the Donnigan family to continue the mission in Hopkinsville.
Lieutenants Roger and Lindsey Galabeas will leave the Hopkinsville Salvation Army in June and head to a new command at Nashville South, where Lindsey says they will have a different type of ministry.
click to download audioThe Galabeases, who have been in Hopkinsville for three years, learned about their new assignment in April. Lindsey says they will have a different focus.
click to download audioShe says as officers they have little input on when or where they will be reassigned.
click to download audioGalabeas adds the new family heading to Hopkinsville is looking forward to the mission.
click to download audioThe last day for the Galabeas family and the first day for the new commanders will be June 16th. Roger and Lindsey Galabeas will be promoted Captains soon.