City Council Receives Updates on Code Enforcement and Electric Plant Board Activities

Princeton City Council heard updates from code enforcement and the Princeton Electric Plant Board at its meeting Monday night.

Code Enforcement Officer Alan Getz provided an update, stating that over the past few months, he has been concentrating on their net profits and conducting a thorough review to ensure all businesses in Princeton are properly licensed.

Getz mentioned that he is also preparing to address the issue of junk vehicles around the city.

click to download audioFurthermore, he is seeking more houses to include in the Amnesty Program.

click to download audioHe noted that one of the biggest issues, which doesn’t necessarily fall under Code Enforcement, is sewer backups.

click to download audio

Councilman and Princeton Electric Plant Board member Jim Joiner provided an update from the board’s June 13th meeting, discussing the sales and usage of the Prairie State coal-fired power plant.

click to download audioThe next regularly scheduled Princeton City Council meeting will be held at 5:00 Monday afternoon on July 1st.

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