King’s Kitchen Wraps Up 11th Summer, Serving Over 28,000 Meals to Local Kids

The King’s Kitchen of Caldwell County has successfully concluded its 11th summer of serving meals to children in the community, providing over 28,000 meals this year alone.

Lee Anne Gilkey from the non-profit organization described this year as “amazing.” She mentioned that King’s Kitchen began with zero funding, but thanks to the community’s support, they were able to raise $40,000. These funds enabled them to provide breakfast and lunch to the 200 children on their list, as well as additional children on the waiting list, totaling over 220 children fed through the program this summer.

click to download audioThis week marked the final food distribution, and Gilkey mentioned that the children were given extra meals to sustain them until they return to school. Overall, she reported that they provided over 28,000 breakfast and lunch meals this summer.

click to download audioGilkey explained that their goal each summer has been to compensate for the meals that children typically receive at school.

click to download audioShe also expressed her gratitude to the volunteers who came out on Tuesday to assist with the final day of distribution for the summer.

click to download audioGilkey is grateful that the community has consistently supported King’s Kitchen over the past decade.

click to download audioThe program is designed to provide meals to children aged 2 to 18 during the summer months when school is not in session.

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