Kasey Miranda Returns to the Alhambra Theatre Stage

Local resident Kasey Miranda will return to the stage next month in a familiar musical presentation in Hopkinsville.

She noted this is her 5th time performing and she enjoys returning each time she has the opportunity to share her talents.

click to download audioMiranda shared the musical they will be presenting and feels it is one that most people will recognize.

click to download audioShe explained this program is mostly presented in song with little dialogue with a wide variety of musical styles.

click to download audio

Miranda shared the role she will be playing and thinks it is out of character for her.

click to download audioShe added this program is a family-friendly show and the entire family will enjoy it plus there is a type of music for everyone.

click to download audioMiranda gave the dates for the performances and said tickets are already on sale.

click to download audioThere is an extra bonus for those attending on Saturday night. This is the 15th year anniversary of Campanile Productions and after the featured musical actors from past shows will be giving a special highlight presentation from various shows.

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