Caldwell FSC Agent Ashley Board Announces Upcoming Programs

Ashley Board, the Family and Consumer Science Division Agent at the local extension office, has announced the launch of a new program for seniors, as well as the commencement of a new homemaker year.

She announced that the new program will begin in August and run through December at the senior citizen center in Princeton.

click to download audioThe first program will be held at 10:00 on Monday morning, August 12th.

click to download audioAccording to Board, the new homemakers year starts in September.

click to download audioShe mentioned that the annual membership dues are $15. For mailbox members, all materials and information will be sent directly to you via mail.

click to download audioBoard added that they will offer a variety of enjoyable learning activities for homemakers.

For more information about the Wits Workout program at the senior center or homemaker activities, contact Ashley Board at the Caldwell County Cooperative Extension Office in Princeton.

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