Community Disciples Share Information About Dotson Days with Rotary Club

Members of the Community Disciples were the featured guests at the Princeton Rotary Club meeting on Tuesday, where they shared information about their organization and Dotson Days next week.

Paulette Gray from the organization informed Rotarians that tickets are still available at $20 each for the Community Disciples Banquet and Awards program on Thursday evening, August 1, at 6:00 at the Recreation Outreach Center of Northside Baptist Church. She mentioned that the event, which marks the beginning of Dotson Days, will feature Jason Redfern as the guest speaker.

Community Disciples member Zari Wilson shared the lineup of exciting activities planned for Friday at Dotson Days.

click to download audio

She also announced the activities planned for Saturday and Sunday.

click to download audioGray noted that Debra Faulk previously portrayed Nancy Green in the performance “Being Aunt Jemima, The Pancake Queen” at the George Coon Public Library in June, and said they are excited to have her come back to Princeton.

click to download audioShe mentioned that the performance was made possible thanks to a donor who wanted to remain anonymous.

Additionally, Gray informed WPKY’s News Edge that they are seeking volunteers for Saturday between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. to assist with the inflatables. She mentioned that they need four volunteers per hour. Anyone interested in volunteering can reach out to Gray through the Community Disciples Facebook page or by calling 270-365-3467.

Dotson Park, established in November 1982, is located on the corner of North Donnivan and Calvert Streets, which is the historical location of the Dotson High School.

Gray and members of the Community Disciples also provided details about their organization, which consists of 22 active youth members, including five girls and seventeen boys.


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