Community Disciples Celebrate 20th Anniversary Awards Banquet (w/PHOTOS)

The Community Disciples 20th-anniversary banquet and awards program was held Thursday night at the Northside Baptist Church Recreation Center.

The evening began with a catered meal by Mitzi Travis followed by the awards program. Randy Jordan was named Citizen of the Year and was thankful for the recognition.

click to download audioTwo community members were recognized as the unsung heros for the year. Tiffany Massey was one of the recipients.

click to download audioStacey Menser was also named an unsung hero.

click to download audioThe business of the year went to Pagliai’s Pizza and the Mary Jane Jones Award was presented to the family of Marie Gray. Ms Gray was a long-time member of the Community Disciples and a local educator who passed away recently.

The keynote speaker for the night was Jason Redfern who serves as the Community President of First Southern Bank in Princeton. Redfern grew up on a farm outside of Adams Tennessee and moved to Princeton in 2000 to begin working at the local bank.

Redfern shared that when Paulette Gray asked him to speak she told him to speak from his heart.

click to download audioRedfern reviewed his first three points of his speech.

click to download audioHe stressed the importance of treating each other with respect.

click to download audioFinally, Redfern challenged everyone to make a difference.

click to download audioThe banquet was the kickoff event for the Dotson Days celebration.

2024 Community Disciples 20th Anniversary Awards Banquet

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