Caldwell FCS Agent Shares Nutritious Breakfast Snack and Announces Wits Workout Program

Ashley Board, the Family and Consumer Science Agent at the Caldwell County Cooperative Extension Office, shared a nutritious breakfast snack that she often prepares for her family, along with an upcoming event that will begin on Monday at the senior center in Princeton.

Board’s daughter revealed that her favorite breakfast snack is peanut butter banana oats.

click to download audioBoard mentioned that she likes this snack because it provides her daughter with the essential nutrients she needs.

click to download audioAfter sharing information about the breakfast snack, Board reminds seniors that the Wits Workout will begin on Monday at the senior center.

click to download audioShe mentioned that Monday’s lesson will focus on forgetfulness and ways to boost memory. Board noted that the Wits Workout sessions will be held once a month at the senior center. She also reminded any seniors planning to stay for lunch to inform the center in advance so they can make the necessary arrangements.

Board also shared information about an online Snack Club that is a statewide program that will begin next month and include podcasts.

click to download audioShe noted there is a limited supply of books available for the first so many people who register. Board said the link to register for the Snack Club can be found on the Caldwell County Cooperative Extension Office website and Facebook page.

For more information about the upcoming programs, contact Ashley Board at the local extension office.

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