Caldwell Ag Agent Shares Tips To Prevent Post-Harvest Losses Of Vegetable Crops

Caldwell County Agricultural Agent Shane Bogle recently provided insights on preventing post-harvest losses in vegetable crops.

Bogle explains that vegetable produce is typically soft, perishable, and highly vulnerable to various types of damage during both harvest and storage. He pointed out that growers can face post-harvest crop losses ranging from 25 to 50 percent, with a significant percentage of post-harvest crop attributed to plant diseases.

click to download audioBogle advises maintaining a disease management program throughout the entire growth.

click to download audioFurthermore, he said improper storage conditions can create ideal environments for disease-causing organisms to infect healthy produce.

click to download audioFor more information on post-harvest losses of vegetable crops, contact the Caldwell County Cooperative Extension Office in Princeton.

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