At Monday night’s meeting, the Princeton City Council approved the tax rates for 2024 and was informed about a new restaurant opening in town.
In new business, Mayor Brock Thomas presented the City Council with two options for setting the real property and personal property tax rates.
click to download audioFollowing a discussion, Councilwoman Morgan Rousseau sponsored the motion setting the 2024 taxable rates for real property and personal property at 16.3 cents per $100 of assessed value. The second reading of the property tax rates will be held at the next City Council meeting.
In other action, following an update from Councilman Jim Joiner who serves on the Princeton-Caldwell County Airport Board, City Attorney Todd Wetzel explained that the council needed to take action on some grant funding coming to the airport soon.
click to download audioThe motion was unanimously approved.
During the mayor’s report, Thomas provided an update on the dog park, announcing that work is expected to commence this week.
In addition, he reported that work on the softball fields is progressing well.
click to download audioMayor Thomas also mentioned that the Hometown Banner project is going well. He expressed his gratitude to General Manager Chris Burton of the Princeton Electric Plant Board and his staff for their assistance in putting up the banners around town.
During the department reports, Planning Commission Administrator Jenny Clark announced that a new restaurant will soon open in Princeton.
click to download audioAnd Public Works Interim Director Chris Pool reported that their department is fully staffed and has been conducting maintenance in town and at the cemetery.
click to download audioThe next regularly scheduled Princeton City Council meeting will be at 5:00 on Monday afternoon, September 2.