McConnell Says Defense Spending A Critical Focus

United States Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell says he will continue to focus on strengthening the United States military after stepping down from his leadership post at the end of this year.

During a recent visit with Your News Edge, Senator McConnell said he remains focused on ensuring the United States military has the resources to protect our country.

Senator McConnell says getting into a war greatly increases spending.

click to download audioThe Senator adds support of other countries such as Ukraine and Israel does not necessarily mean the money is not helping the American people.

click to download audioSenator McConnell said it is also important to let countries we assist wage their conflicts as they see fit.

click to download audioSenator McConnell discussed several issues during his recent visit with Your News Edge.

Listen to the News Director Alan Watts’ conversation with Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.


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