Princeton Water Commission Greenlights Bids for Booster Pump and Sewer Main Projects

The Princeton Water and Wastewater Commission has approved bids for the Linton Hill booster pump generator project and the Prince Street sewer main project.

At Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, Councilwoman Pat George, who is also a member of the Princeton Water and Wastewater Commission, informed the Council that they had received multiple bids for both projects.

click to download audioAccording to information shared with the media, the board approved a bid of $115,000 from Twin Lakes Electric, LLC, out of Cadiz, to install a 125KW emergency generator and an automatic transfer switch at the Linton Hill Pump Station.

Officials stated that the generator project, initially funded by a $100,000 Cleaner Water Grant, saw contractor bids exceed the budget, raising the total to $130,995. The Pennyrile Area Development District requested an additional $30,995 in grant funding on behalf of the Princeton Water and Wastewater Commission, and the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority has agreed to cover the increased project cost.

The board also approved a $108,940 bid from Abbico Contracting of Hardin for the Prince Street sewer main project. This will extend the gravity line along Prince Street and connect it to the existing line on Cadiz Street. The project includes three new manholes and will replace an old private 4-inch line serving six customers. Officials estimate the total project cost at $350,000.

Officials noted that this project received partial funding from a $228,446 Cleaner Water Grant. During the design phase, officials stated that relocating the new line to the road’s shoulder reduced costs by eliminating the need to repave Prince Street. With Abbico Contracting’s low bid approved, officials indicate the project will now be fully funded by the grant.

George also provided updates on the service lines and water meter projects.

click to download audioIn addition, George announced that David Cotton has been promoted to assistant superintendent of the Princeton Water and Wastewater Commission, effective August 15.

Councilwoman Pat George provides an update on the Princeton Water & Wastewater Commission to the City Council. (File Photo)


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