Caldwell FFA and Elementary School Celebrate ‘Farm to Plate’ Program (w/PHOTOS)

The Caldwell County FFA Chapter partnered with the 3rd-grade classes at the elementary school to provide hands-on education for the young students about where they get their food.

This partnership has been going for close to 50 years under different names and is currently called the “Farm to Plate” program. It gives the students the knowledge of how their food is raised on the farm and the process that is involved in getting it to their plates.

The program is held over a two-day period with half the 3rd-grade classes learning about the food process in the classroom and the other half boarding the bus and traveling to a local farm to see firsthand where it all begins. The next day they switch and experience what the other half did the first day. FFA Advisor Parker Jennings explained the trip to the farm begins with a stop at the local Food Giant where the FFA members walk around the store and point out various products for the students to hear about and later will see them where they start on the farm.

click to download audioJennings also shared what the students will experience once they arrive on the Roberts farm in Caldwell County.

click to download audioFFA member Paycen Rogers was working the animal station showing students different animals and felt like it is important for the students to learn about agriculture.

click to download audioSome of the 3rd graders shared what they enjoyed about the day. Pepper Wainer said the day was fun and she learned about cows.

click to download audioHadley Kukahiko thought the goats were interesting.

click to download audioDelaney Sigler was happy to be there.

click to download audioDamion Bumphus shared about his day.

click to download audioWe will hear more about the classroom study in a future report on the two-day farm program.

2024 Caldwell County FFA Farm to Plate Program

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