Caldwell Regional Career Center Hosts Open House for Community

The Caldwell Regional Career Center held an Open House on Thursday afternoon.

This gave the community as well as students and parents a chance to stop by and visit the local training facility and meet the staff at the school.

Principal Tim Bush is glad to open the doors and welcome visitors into the building.

click to download audioSophia Byassee is a home school student from Lyon County and was excited to bring her family to tour her school.

click to download audioSophia is a Freshman and noted that being a female wasn’t a problem for her taking the welding class.

click to download audioSophia’s mother Angie shared it was her first time seeing the entire school.

click to download audioAngie was not surprised that her daughter chose welding as a class to enroll in at the school.

click to download audioHarold Byassee was there with his granddaughter and felt like this was a great opportunity for Sophia.

click to download audioThe Career Center serves students from area school districts as well as home school students. For more information, you can contact the school at 270-365-5563.

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