Princeton Ham Radio Club Practices Emergency Preparedness

Always be prepared is a motto that the Princeton Ham Radio Club believes in and practices.

The group spent a 24-hour period over the weekend connecting with other clubs and preparing in case an emergency or disaster were to hit our community. Club President Wesley Belt explained what they were doing during the training.

click to download audioBelt shared they hold these training sessions twice a year.

click to download audioIn addition to communicating with other locations, they also inspect their equipment during this time.

click to download audioBelt noted they had made contact with others all across the United States.

click to download audio

Belt stressed they could communicate with others even if the internet and cell phones were out of service locally.

click to download audioJoey McCaslin made contact with a club in Ohio.

click to download audioSam Gray will begin to serve as Club President soon and invites anyone interested to get involved with the Ham Radio Club. You do not have to own a radio or license to join the club.

click to download audioThe 24-hour training session was held at the Caldwell County Emergency Operation Center off Northfield Drive in Princeton.

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