Dawson Springs Independent Schools Welcomes Two New Board Members

At Monday night’s meeting, the Dawson Springs Board of Education approved two new board members to fill vacant seats.

After a closed session, the board returned to open session and appointed Mary Beth Drennan and Christy Winfry to fill the two vacant board seats. They were sworn in by Finance Officer and Board Secretary/Treasurer Amanda Almon, who told Your News Edge that the district received only two applications for the positions.

During the meeting, Superintendent Leonard Whalen updated the board on the tornado safe room, announcing that approval was granted to relocate it to the corner on the opposite side of the foyer. He reported that soil sampling has been completed with positive results and that preliminary design work for the site and potential facility is underway.

click to download audioDuring the meeting, it was also announced that the school district will make up for two snow days on February 10 and March 14.

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