Up to $59,000 in KYTC Scholarship money! Matt Hughes explains


KYTC District 2 Public Information Officer, Matt Hughes visited WPKY’s “Coffee Talk with Tess”, to explain how Kentucky students qualify for Civil Engineering scholarships worth up to $59,000!  Hughes says whether your a high school senior about to enter college, graduated senior who missed the deadline last year, or already in your first year at college, you still qualify to apply!  However, the deadline is almost here! Applications must be dropped in the mail and postmarked by Feb. 1st. Hughes says not only does the scholarship pay for 4 years of college, but there are other benefits that make KYTC perfect for students such as:  paid summer employment, and guaranteed job placement after graduation.  Listen to his visit below:
For more information including links to the application, visit https://transportation.ky.gov/Education/Pages/default.aspx

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