City Council Presented Flooding Update and Police Vehicle Replacement Proposal

During Monday night’s meeting, the Princeton City Council received updates on city flooding and infrastructure from Public Works Director Chris Pool, along with a proposal from Chief Chris King to replace two police vehicles.

According to Pool, as of Monday night, two streets remained underwater Faith Avenue and Downs Street near Akers Avenue. He also said they will address the damage to the road on East Green Street when the water recedes.

click to download audioIn addition, Public Works crews have been pumping water in two areas of the city. He mentioned that they have pumped the water down on South Seminary Street and are currently working on reducing the water levels in the area of Hardees and MJs Lattes.

In his report, Chief King informed the council that a police cruiser was declared a total loss after a collision with a deer last weekend. He mentioned that insurance would cover over $34,000, and he has located another Charger that, combined with the insurance payout, would cost the city north of $6,000.

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Chief King also said they are still short one vehicle after a detective was involved in another accident over the summer. He noted that, given the price and the availability of Chargers at the dealership, it is unlikely they will find a more affordable option, with the total cost for both vehicles being around $102,000.

click to download audioFollowing some discussion about the vehicles, Mayor Brock Thomas stated that they would revisit Chief King’s recommendation at the next council meeting.

In unfinished business, Mayor Thomas reported that the city has received bids for the lighting project at the City-County Park.

click to download audioIn new business, the council unanimously authorized the mayor to sign any necessary documentation to apply for a grant with the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security for acquiring ammunition for the Princeton Police Department.

The council also unanimously approved declaring certain Public Works items as surplus to be scrapped.

click to download audioThe next meeting of the Princeton City Council will be at 5:00 p.m. on March 3.

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