Caldwell FFA and Ag Department Proud of Refurbished Greenhouse

The Caldwell County FFA and Agriculture Department is proud of the refurnished greenhouse located at the high school.

The greenhouse is used by the students to gain firsthand experience in growing various types of plants and vegetables. The teachers can explain the process of planting the seed and what needs to take place to grow the plant in the classroom and then take students out to the greenhouse for them to experience the process. The greenhouse is also used for the students to grow flowers that can be purchased by the public as a fundraiser for the FFA program. The greenhouse has become a major center of instruction for many of the agriculture classes taught at the high school.

FFA Advisor Magen Woods explained the greenhouse has gone through a complete renovation over the past year.

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Woods described some of the changes and additions to the Greenhouse.

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FFA Vice President Whitleigh Carter shared about the new soil mixer in the Greenhouse.

click to download audioCarter added the local FFA appreciates the high school staff and the support they provide to the FFA and agriculture department. She noted with the greenhouse they are able to express their appreciation during National FFA Week.

click to download audioWoods invites the public to come out and visit the greenhouse and see what is available once it officially opens. She shared the planned opening date and some of the items they will be offering.

click to download audioThe agriculture department greenhouse is located across the street at the end of the high school building towards the middle school.

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