James Noel Returns to Princeton Water and Wastewater

A familiar face and seasoned veteran has returned to Princeton Water and Wastewater as the superintendent after a brief retirement.

After retiring as superintendent in December after 27 years of service, James Noel has been rehired for the same position. At 46 years old, Noel says he felt it was time to retire and apply for his pension, but with plenty of life ahead, he anticipated returning to work eventually.

click to download audioOnce he fulfilled the state’s retirement requirements, he began sending out resumes to various places.

click to download audioOn Tuesday, Noel returned to his role at Princeton Water and Wastewater and is now focused on catching up on ongoing projects.

click to download audioHe mentioned that while there are several tasks to catch up on, one thing he wants to do is clean the tanks once the weather improves.

click to download audioNoel also said that David Cotton has also been appointed by the Princeton Water and Wastewater Commission as the assistant superintendent.

click to download audioPrinceton Water and Wastewater is tasked with ensuring the safe treatment and distribution of drinking water to the citizens of Princeton, as well as to residents in Caldwell and Lyon counties through water sales to these districts. Additionally, the Commission offers wastewater treatment services primarily to customers within Princeton’s city limits.

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