The Caldwell County High School will be presenting the program “High School Musical” on March 7th, 8th, and 9th in the high school Fine Arts Building.
Students and teachers are working daily to practice and prepare to bring this production to the public. Four of the students involved in the musical got together to share their upcoming roles for the program.
Chenoa Wilcox tells about the musical.
click to download audioWilcox shares about her role.
click to download audioWilcox explained the hardest part of her role.
click to download audioAddison Robinson noted this is not her first time in a musical and that it is fun.
click to download audioRobinson tells about her character and her favorite part of being in the program.
click to download audioLandon Cunningham said this was his first time to be in a high school play and shared about his role.
click to download audioCunningham added he is enjoying being in the musical but there have been some challenges for him.
click to download audioThere are other positions for students to be involved in the presentation of a play and they work behind the scenes without ever being seen during the program. Jaelynn Crocker is one of those students and tells how she helps.
click to download audioCrocker has been working behind the scenes for multiple years.
click to download audioThe students have a message for the public about the upcoming musical.
click to download audioTickets for the musical can be purchased by calling 270-365-8000 and speaking to Kayla Morris.