Hopkinsville Community College Honors Local Students on Dean’s and President’s Lists


Hopkinsville Community College has recognized 296 full-time and part-time students on the Dean’s and President’s Lists for the fall semester, including several from Caldwell and Lyon counties.

Full-time students qualify for the Dean’s with a GPA of 3.5 and completion of at least 12 hours of 100-level coursework in a term. Those with a 4.0 GPA qualify for the President’s List.

Part-time students qualify for the Dean’s List with a 3.5 GPA and completion of at least 12 KCTCS credits of 100-level coursework. A 4.0 GPA qualifies them for the President’s List.

HCC officials reported the Fall 2024 semester Dean and President lists consist of 245 Kentucky residents, 40 Tennessee residents and 11 residents from outside the region.

Full-time students who achieved the Dean’s List in Caldwell and Lyon counties include:

– Mariah Dukes of Dawson Springs

– Chynna Kinnis of Eddyville

– Carabajal James of Princeton

– Kyle Vickery of Princeton made both the Dean and President Lists

Part-time students achieving the Dean’s List in Caldwell County include:

– Rich Hadless of Fredonia

– Shawna Ogle of Princeton

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