Caldwell FFA Alumni Chapter Shares Upcoming Events

The Caldwell County FFA Alumni Chapter met Monday night in the agriculture classroom at the high school.

The meeting was called to order by Alumni President Heath Cummins and heard reports from the local FFA Advisors on past and upcoming activities for the Caldwell high school FFA Chapter. The local speaking contests have been held, with first place speakers to be competing Friday at the regional contest at Murray State University.

Plans have also been made for the FFA students to attend Murray Field Day, the State FFA Convention and FFA Camp. Caldwell will host the regional FFA Banquet and the local awards banquet later in the school year, plus the FFA Greenhouse will open to the public after spring break on April 7th. It was announced that some FFA members will be making a trip to Costa Rica the first of June with Advisor Woods.

Advisor Magen Woods also announced that for the first time Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has proclaimed next week as Kentucky Agriculture Education Week.

click to download audio

She shared some of the local activities planned for the week.

click to download audioWoods reminded everyone that the FFA still has sausage and sorghum for sale.

click to download audioShe added the Greenhand and Chapter Degree Ceremony, rescheduled after the snow last month, will be held Thursday night in the Fine Arts Building. She encouraged anyone to come to the ceremony while attending the Parent Teacher Conference.

click to download audioIf anyone attended the high school musical last weekend, you saw some of the work of the local agriculture students on stage. Advisor Parker Jennings shared Ag and FFA students in his shop classes built and placed the set for the musical. He said it gave them hands-on experience with subjects they teach in class, plus involved them working with other school groups and students.

click to download audioHe added they will also be building other projects in the ag shop.

click to download audioThe FFA Alumni is a support group for the local FFA Chapter, the next meeting will be May 27th at 5:00 pm.

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