Caldwell County FFA Triumphs at Pennyrile Region FFA Speaking Contest

The annual Pennyrile Region FFA Speaking Contest was held at Murray State University last Friday.

Students from across the area gathered to compete in various contest representing their home school with the goal of placing in the top two in each contest to qualify to move on and compete in the State Contest. Each speaker is judged and ranked in order of their score from first to last in each contest plus being awarded a rating with the top honor being rated Superior.

Caldwell County FFA had a successful day with entries achieving a Superior Rating in 16 of the 24 contests they entered. The local chapter also placed Superior First Place in the most sought-after contest, being the Chapter Meeting contest, more commonly known as the Parliamentary Procedure contest. This competition consists of a mock FFA Meeting where they are judged on their knowledge of parliamentary rules, with a participating judge who can try to confuse the contestants.

Noah Bailey shared about the contest:

click to download audio

Daniel Laurent entered the Extemporaneous Public Speaking Contest and placed Superior First in that competition.

click to download audioLaurent serves as the president of the local FFA Chapter and the president of the Pennyrile Region FFA. Elijah Thomas also won Superior First in the AIC Contest while Olivia Baker and Emma Goodwin earned a Superior 2nd in the Quiz Bowl.

The students that placed Superior 1st or Superior 2nd in each contest will be traveling to Lexington in June to attend the Kentucky State FFA Convention and compete with other regional winners in State Competition.

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