FFA Advisor Magen Woods Honored as Golden Owl for Exemplary Leadership and Dedication

For years the “Owl” in FFA has stood for knowledge and wisdom and Caldwell County FFA Advisor Magen Woods has been named a Golden Owl and recognized by the Kentucky FFA Association as well as the Pennyrile Region and local chapter.

This honor was announced and given to a very surprised Woods at the Friday morning Caldwell FFA meeting to wrap up the Kentucky Agriculture Education Week. Woods was nominated by some former students and coworkers and her nomination was sent to the regional committee who made the decision for her to be named the Golden Owl for this region and to advance to the state competition.

Former student Kylie York shared her thoughts about Woods at the meeting.

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click to download audioCaldwell County High School Principal Daniel Kukahiko also had words of praise for Woods.

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A very humbled Woods shared about receiving the award.

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click to download audioWoods is one of only 12 to be named a Golden Owl in the state this year.

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click to download audioWoods was reluctant to answer what qualities are sought in selecting this award not wanting to sound like she was bragging about herself.

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click to download audioShe is grateful for the honor of being named a Golden Owl.

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click to download audioThe State Golden Owl Award will be presented at the Kentucky State FFA Convention held in Lexington in June.


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