The Pennyrile Emergency Assistance Center Board voted to apply for a KY 911 Services Board grant and approved a bid for critical communication upgrades during a special meeting Thursday afternoon.
Board Chair and Judge-Executive Kota Young noted that the application for the KY 911 Services Board grant is an annual opportunity where they have achieved remarkable success in recent years. He mentioned that while the soft deadline for the grant application is Friday, the final submission is due at the beginning of April. However, Young added that Jared Nelson, Projects Coordinator with the Pennyrile Area Development District, has already prepared the core components of the application for submission on Friday but needs the approval of the grant application and a bid approval.
Young explained that while the KY 911 Services grant application suggests a 10% local match, it’s not mandatory. The Board unanimously approved his recommendation of a 20% match, which would be shared between the City of Princeton and the county.
He stated the only other additional item needed to submit the application was a bid for the Mission Critical Communication Upgrade project, which had a deadline of 10:00 Thursday morning. He stated they received only one bid from Xybix.
The Board unanimously approved the bid after Young indicated that there was just one modification to the rendering since their last discussion about the project.
In other new business, the Board approved the payment of February’s bills and acknowledged receipt of the February 2025 payroll summary, financial report, and checking account details.
The Board subsequently entered a closed session, during which no action was taken.